Old 1989 Article! You'll Want to Read This Blast-From-Hank's-Past!
Thursday, October 17, 2013 | By Nikki, Maverick Books Staff

Hi Hank-Fans!
Isn't is fun what the internet turns up sometimes? Take a look at this blast-from-Hank's-past: an old article about the Hank the Cowdog books from 1989! Also, take a look at the whole article (by following the link at the end of our excerpt), and tell us what you think of the last paragraph! Funny what can happen in 24 years!
"Just when you thought the old formula Westerns were getting to be about as tired as a team of oxen crossing Death Valley, a new Western hero comes to the rescue.
Hank the cowdog, the latest hero for young readers. Hank, head of security at a Texas Panhandle spread in Ochiltree County, earns his keep protecting the ranch from such villainous creatures as dog-killing coyotes, egg-sucking foxes and a one-eyed killer stud horse.
In the 12 books chronicling his adventures, Hank the cowdog solves myriad ranch mysteries while engaging in such traditional canine pursuits as barking at the mailman, chasing a winsome collie named Beulah and sleeping in his gunnysack bed.
The cowboy canine is the creation of author and ex-cowboy John R. Erickson, who has sold more than 200,000 Hank books since 1983. The latest, "Hank the Cowdog: The Fiddle-Playing Fox," was published in February by Texas Monthly Press. The 13th volume in the series, "Hank the Cowdog: The Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve," is scheduled to be out this fall..."
Read more at: Deseret News Story about Hank the Cowdog