Hank is Cupid in Disguise...
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 | By Nikki, One of Hank's Minions

Dear Hank-Fans,
We've posted these stories in the past, but in case you haven't seen them, here they are again! Bet you didn't know Hank played a role in so many love stories!! (We've received other, similar stories, but these are our favorites.)
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These two stories were recently sent to us, and we just loved them! (Who knew Hank plays Cupid when he isn't busy guarding the ranch?) We hope you enjoy them as much as we did, and if you have any stories like them, we'd love for you to share them with us at hank@hankthecowdog.com!
- Nikki, Hank's Staff
Introduced by Hank:
Dear Mr. Erickson,
I was at our local library checking out a few books, and a couple of them were Hank books from way back that I thought I’d read again. As she checked out my books, the librarian said, "Are you a Hank fan?" I confessed and she shared this story.
"My daughter was going to college and had not made too many friends. One day she was in a class and the teacher just kept going on and on over the same thing, which was boring. All at once she hear a whisper: ‘Murk, snort, pork chop, snicklefritz zzzzzz.’ “Being a fan of Hank, she recognized the quote and turned around and mouthed, ‘That’s Hank’ to this guy she had never met. He smiled and after the class they talked about Hank and how they enjoyed his adventures.
“That started their friendship which led to them getting married. They have been married for years and have two children, my grandchildren.”
I asked her if I could share this with you, as I thought you would like to know that Hank is not only Head of Ranch Security, but a matchmaker as well."
A Hank Reader
Hank and the Honeymooners:
Dear Mr. Erickson,
"Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your books (audio). I've been a faithful customer since forever and this is how faithful me and my family are: when I married my husband 13 yrs. ago, we traveled from Ok. to Colorado and listened to Hank the Cowdog all the way there and back on our HONEYMOON! Im so glad you have a wholesome family entertainment that my children have come to love as much as I. Thanks for the traditional family in your stories. your book and audios are the only ones I do not preview before I let my kids listen or read, because I know and trust your great talent and respect for the great American family! Thank You so Much!"