Contest Results! (Slim and Viola Quiz)
Monday, October 06, 2014 | By Nikki, Hank's Staff

Hi Hank-Readers!
The results are in, and here are our 3 winners! And, to everyone who entered, great job! We hope you'll enter the next contest even if you didn't win this one!
- Grand Prize: Noah Cecil (Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64, Volumes 1&2 and 3&4 of "Hank's Greatest Hits," Pack of Hank Playing Cards)
- 2nd Place: Rebekah Hoffman (Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64, Volumes 1&2 of "Hank's Greatest Hits")
- 3rd Place: Marcus Yoder (Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64)
(Winners have been notified)
Original Post:
Hey Hank Fans!
So you think you know a lot about everyone’s favorite bachelor cowboy? How about the sweet local ranch gal? Let’s test your knowledge of Slim and Viola!
Here’s your chance to quiz yourself on how well you know the Hank books for a chance to win one of 3 great prize packages:
- Grand Prize: Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64, Volumes 1&2 and 3&4 of "Hank's Greatest Hits" (the music from the Hank books), Pack of Hank Playing Cards
- 2nd Place: Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64, Volumes 1&2 of "Hank's Greatest Hits"
- 3rd Place: Signed, personalized, hardback copy of Hank #64
Follow THIS link and fill out the quiz (you can consult whatever Hank books you have or can find at your library, etc.), or copy and paste this link into your browser:
And, be sure to check back after the contest is over to see if you're the winner! Winners will be randomly selected from among those fans who complete the quiz without missing more than 4 answers.
Entries must be recieved by October 1st.