Announcing: A Sneak Peek at Hank #64
Monday, August 18, 2014 | By Nikki, Hank's Staff

Hi Hank Readers!
We hope you've had a great summer! We know school is starting up soon (if it hasn't already) for most of you, and we wanted to give you something fun to look forward to: Hank #64, "The Three Rings" - to be released on October 3rd! Here's a sneak peek at what it's about:
A race against the clock!
It’s New Year's Eve day on the ranch, and Slim and Miss Viola are both having second thoughts about their engagement -- but for what reasons? Viola returns the lock-washer ring Slim had given her a week before, but before Slim can fix things, Uncle Johnny asks for his help with a “little job.”
Like all of Uncle Johnny’s “little jobs,” this one ends up being a lot more than Slim signed-up for, and the day’s events put him in a race against the clock. Will he make it to dinner at Viola’s house in time to straighten things out, or will Hank and Drover live the rest of their doggy lives without ever seeing Miss Viola again?
Are you as excited about October 3rd as we are? And, what do you think will happen!?